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dist Overview

Atom lines from 1W1X were used above to provide a visual example of dist use.

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dist Help Output

dist Tutorial


 dist Overview 

dist creates a distance matrix from a points list, generating a lower triangle matrix with distances between all the points, a zero-valued diagonal, and an upper triangle matrix with hyphens or zeroes (e.g. '---' or '0.00'). There are options for specifying upper triangle contents, handling input and output labels, and output format. dist can optionally parse a PDB file, and has options for specifying user defined output atom labels.

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 dist Help Output (“dist -h” output) 


  dist (version 1.0.2) -- creates distance matrix from points list


  dist [options]

  CHARACTER OPTION_____KEYWORD OPTION________DESCRIPTION____________________________DEFAULT____

  Options for input:

  -i <filename> .... --input=<filename> .... input points list filename ........... stdin
  -n ............... --no_input_labels ..... input points list has no labels ...... has labels

  Options for output:

  -o <filename> .... --output=<filename> ... output distance matrix filename ...... stdout
  -f #.#  .......... --format=#.# .......... real number format (width.precision) . 5.3
  -s # ............. --spaces=# ............ separate fields with # spaces ........ 0 (tabs used)
  -t ............... --truncate_labels ..... action to fit col width to labels .... no truncation
  -x ............... --no_output_labels .... do not output labels ................. output labels
  -z ............... --upper_zeroes ........ fill upper matrix with zeroes ........ '---'

  Options for PDB input and atom label output:

  -a [<labelfmt>] .. --atom_labels ......... input points list is PDB file ........ not PDB file
     <labelfmt> characters specify atom label content ............................. '@:#:*'
         @ _______________ atom name __________________ <= 3 characters
         # _______________ atom serial number _________ <= 5 digits
         & _______________ residue name _______________    3 characters
         * _______________ residue name _______________    1 character
         ? _______________ residue sequence # _________ <= 4 digits
         % _______________ chain identifier ___________    1 character

  Other options:

  -d ............... --info ................ outputs processing info to stderr .... no info
  -h ............... --help ................ prints help (Enter 'dist -h' for help.)
                     --license ............. prints license terms for dist.


  dist creates a distance matrix from a points list, generating a lower triangle matrix
  with distances between all the points, a zero-valued diagonal, and an upper triangle
  matrix with either hyphens or zeroes (e.g. '---' or '0.00').

  By default, input comes from stdin and output goes to stdout.
  Option '--input=' ('-i') allows command line specification of the input file.
  Option '--output=' ('-o') allows command line specification of the output file.
  Errors and warnings go to stderr.

  The points list should consist of points on separate lines as "[label] x y z", i.e.
  an optional label followed by 3 real numbers. Labels and real numbers must be separated
  by white space (i.e., spaces or tabs). Labels are assumed to be present in the input
  points list file by default. If there are no labels in the input points list file, then
  the option '--no_input_labels' ('-n') must be used and no input labels will be parsed.

  Labels are output as the topmost row and the leftmost column by default.
  The option '--no_output_labels' ('-x') can be used to suppress all labels from the output.
  In the case where option '--no_output_labels' ('-x') is not used (and labels are to be
  output by default) and option '--no_input_labels' ('-n') is used at the same time (and no
  labels are read in from input), then output labels will be generated as 'pt#'.

  Distance values are output as real numbers. The option '--format=' ('-f') must be followed
  by an option value specifying the output format as 'mmm.ddd', where 'mmm' is the minimum
  field width for the entire real number, and where 'ddd' is the precision. The default
  format is '5.3', where the minimum field width for the entire number is 5 characters,
  and there are 3 digits following the decimal point.

  By default, tabs delimit output columns and spaces are not output. The option '--spaces='
  ('-s') specifies that spaces will be output to delimit column values instead of tabs; the
  option '--spaces=' ('-s') must be followed by an integer option value specifying the number
  of spaces to be used.

  If spaces are specified to be used instead of tabs, column width can either be expanded
  to the size of each label associated with that individual column or labels can be truncated
  to a common column size. The default behaviour is to expand any specific column width to
  fit its label. The option '--truncate_labels' ('-t') truncates, if necessary, the labels'
  to fit a common column size.

  By default, hypens (i.e., '---') are output for the values of the upper triangle matrix.
  Option '--upper_zeroes' ('-z') changes these output values to zeroes (e.g., '0.00').

  Option '--atom_labels=' ('-a') allows parsing of an atom list provided in 'PDB' file format.
  An optional accompanying option value specifies the label format, i.e., the content of the
  labels. Six reserved characters are used to specify substitution with specific fields from
  'ATOM' or 'HETATM' pdb lines:

    Char   Substitution                Size
    ----   ------------------------    -------------------
     @ ... atom name ................. <= 3 char   output
     # ... atom serial number ........ <= 5 digits output
     % ... chain identifier ..........    1 char   output
     & ... residue name ..............    3 char   output
     * ... residue name ..............    1 char   output
     ? ... residue sequence number ... <= 4 digits output

  All other characters specified in the option value will be directly used in each label.
  Labels will be written out in the order of the position of all characters in the option
  value. When option '--atom_labels=' ('-a') is used without an option value, the default
  label format specification is '@:#:*', and would produce labels that look similar to
  'NH1:1171:R'. Note: If you use option '--atom_labels=' ('-a') without an accompanying
  option value, make sure to put '--atom_labels=' ('-a') at the end of the command. Reserved
  characters can be directly used without being substituted by: (1) adding single quotes to
  front and back of the label format option value, and also (2) using a backslash in front
  of the reserved characters that are intended to be directly used without substitution;
  e.g., "-a 'ATOM\##'" will produce labels that look similar to 'ATOM#1171'. Note: Always
  use single quotes on front and back of the label format option value; this will keep the
  reserved characters from being used as unix shell directives.

  Option '--info' ('-d') is used to output, to stderr, processing information: number of
  points read, the list of points, and completion statement. No processing information
  is output by default.

  Option '--help' ('-h') prints this help.


  The following command line would read input, including labels, from the file 'points_list'
  and write a new file, named 'distance_matrix', with the contents of a labelled, tab-delimited
  distance matrix.

     With keyword options:

        dist --input=points_list --output=distance_matrix

     With character options:

        dist -i points_list -o distance_matrix

  The following command line would read input, including labels, from the file 'points_list'
  and write a new file, named 'distance_matrix', with the contents of a labelled, space-delimited
  distance matrix.

     With keyword options:

        dist --input=points_list --output=distance_matrix --spaces=2

     With character options:

        dist -i points_list -o distance_matrix -s 2

  The following command line would read input from the file 'points_list' (a file not containing
  labels) and write a new file, named 'distance_matrix', with the contents of a space-delimited
  distance matrix with no labels, and zero values for the upper triangle matrix.

     With keyword options:

        dist --input=points_list --output=distance_matrix --spaces=2             \
             --no_input_labels   --no_output_labels       --upper_zeroes

     With character options:

        dist -i points_list -o distance_matrix -s 2  -n -x -z

  The following command line would read input from the file 'atoms.pdb' and write a new file,
  named 'distance_matrix', with the contents of a tab-delimited distance matrix with labels
  that look similar to 'NH1:1171:R' (by default).

     With keyword options:

        dist --input=atoms.pdb --output=distance_matrix --atom_labels

     With character options:

        dist -i atoms.pdb -o distance_matrix -a


  dist is a software program from Arthur Weininger (
  dist is subject to a license; use the keyword option '--license' in order to view
  the license terms. Your use of this software contitutes an agreement to the
  license terms. Do not use this software if you do not agree to the license terms.

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 dist Tutorial 

dist and deviation Tutorial Page gives examples of using dist.

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